Looking to get more traffic from Google?
Get a growth-focused SEO opportunity report for your website. You’ll get personalized guidance on what to do based on a by-hand review of your SEO, content, competitors, analytics, keywords, and rankings.

Get a growth-focused SEO opportunity report for your website. You’ll get personalized guidance on what to do based on a by-hand review of your SEO, content, competitors, analytics, keywords, and rankings.
You’re a busy person and running a business. Where should you focus your limited time and attention? Should you:
It’s hard enough to run a small business.
No matter what you do, it feels like the SEO deck is stacked against you.
When you Google the obvious keywords for business and services, it’s the same result: established competitors are already ranking there.
How’s your business supposed to compete?
SEO was supposed to be the more affordable, do-it-yourself alternative to paid ads, social media, and influencer marketing.
What opportunities should your website focus on to rank higher in Google and attract more high-quality, ready-to-buy-traffic?
Imagine that you had actionable, growth-focused SEO advice, specific to your website, business, and market. Expert direction, insight, and feedback on what to focus on and what you can safely ignore) Direction on the projects, opportunities, and strategies you need to consider over the short and long term to grow.
Actionable, specific, impactful advice on your SEO, content, analytics, keywords, and competitors — all distilled down to the top priorities and strategies you need to focus on to get more traffic.
Actionable guidance on what to focus on to improve your SEO and get more traffic.
With your SEO Opportunity Report, you’ll receive specific feedback on your website and your top SEO opportunities: what’s working, what isn’t, and what to focus on to grow.
You’ll love the actionable insights that surface in an SEO opportunity report, including your:
You can pass the report to your team to implement, or we can use your SEO Opportunity Report as a roadmap for our growth work together.
With Summit Evergreen, we had a great product but didn’t have a way to get the word out there in an organic, repeatable way. We were at a loss on how to increase our traffic and convert that traffic into purchases. Our customer base was made up of referrals, early adopters, and ad-spend — effective for short-term growth, but not long-term sustainability.
Our competition had a couple years on us for SEO. After working with Kai, we tripled the amount of organic traffic that was coming to our site. Now we rank on the first page for all our major keywords, have 2 pages as the top result for highly trafficked keywords, and even rank in the top 10 for searches on for our competitors.
Best of all, conversion rates have stayed steady, which means that our 300% increase in traffic is converting into 300% more leads over the same time span.
— Keith Perhac, Founder, Summit Evergreen
"It was great to have fresh eyes on our site, and to get a report pinpointing specific actions we could take to see immediate improvement. We ended up adding some key content back to our redesigned site that has made a difference in the amount of new leads we get."
"It was valuable to me that your SEO report was backed up with data, but didn't stop there. Your advice was based on what you know about my business and included some thoughtful strategy that I could tell took some in-depth thinking."
"Having a report I could tackle myself, as well as pass on to my team to work on implementing. Having multiple ways to get the info -- video to understand the big picture, and lists and reasoning to make fixes. I particularly appreciated it being broken down into the most important things to do first, since I had limited time to implement."
"Absolutely! I've worked with quite a few SEO experts over the years, and their advice tends to range from fairly basic ideas to impenetrable recommendations that you don't know how to take action on. It's great that you set your services up so people can easily take action on your recommendations on their own, or get your help with implementation."
"I appreciate how personable your reports are! It feels like you've taken the time to get to know my business, and that you care about my success."
— Arianne, Founder/Captain, Aeolidia"We’ve done optimization passes based on Kai’s recommendations. A lot of our SEO SOPs were processes that we thought were right, but when Kai looked at the outcomes, they weren’t actually doing what we thought they were doing. Kai pointing out something that was missing allowed us to go back and refine the way that we work to produce better outcomes."
"For example, because of Kai’s recommendation to do an SEO pass, we’ve added much more metadata — SEO titles, keyword optimization, structured data — on articles on our blog so that when they show up elsewhere, it’s in a more parsable, readable way. We feel a lot more confident that the articles are going to have more of an impact when we ship them."
— Marie Poulin and Ben Borowski, Founders, Notion MasteryI’ve helped dozens of clients improve their SEO, rank higher, and get more traffic with an SEO Opportunity Report. And now I’d like to help you grow your business.
Your SEO Opportunity Report is only $2,500.
If you’d like to take steps towards more traffic and higher rankings, book a time at the link below for an initial consultation. We’ll meet, discuss your business and goals, and decide together if an SEO Opportunity Report makes sense for your business.
I’ve been fortunate enough to work with many online businesses to help them get more traffic and get found online. Here is a selection of their kind words.
It was SO helpful for my store. There was a TON of information there + really actionable items to help us improve our SEO. I was really impressed, and it was really helpful. You surpassed any expectations I had.
—Janet Avila, Founder + Owner, String Theory Yarn Company
I’ve worked with Kai on 6+ Shopify SEO projects, ranging from SEO Audits and Link Building Campaigns to helping Shopify store owners understand why their competitors are outranking them.
I recommend Kai to every single Shopify store owner I know who wants more traffic.
— Kurt Elster, Founder & Principal, Ethercycle
In a word, “Yes!” After the SEO Opportunity Report, we can work together to implement the top recommendations.
I’m Kai Davis, a digital marketing consultant, SEO, and growth marketer. I’ve been working with SEO and internet marketing to help businesses grow since since 2014.
I only work with a limited number of clients each month. And I’d love to work with you next.
SEO Opportunity Reports are only $2,500.
Click here and book a time to meet and discuss your site, goals, and SEO.