What if a client goes non-responsive after agreeing to participate in a testimonial?

It might be difficult for a client to come up with something or find the time to give feedback. They have the best of intentions in returning a testimonial to you, but even when you provide them with specific questions to answer, you’re left in the dark.

If you have followed up with a client a few times after they’ve initially agreed to answer your questions to provide a testimonial and they’ve gone quiet, you can follow up with an additional pair of emails.

In the first email, share an example testimonial from another client and give two to three points about your work together that you’d love them to focus on. Emphasize to them that their responses to the questions don’t need to be perfect and they don’t even have to provide a complete draft. Note that you’ll review the material, edit it for clarity, and return it to them for their approval.

If that doesn’t help accelerate the process, then you can create a testimonial on behalf of the client (answering the six testimonial questions based on your knowledge of the client). Share the draft with the client, telling them you drafted this only to give them an idea of the type of testimonial you’re looking for. However, if they find the testimonial you wrote to be fitting for your work together, all they need to do is quickly respond with a “Looks good!” and you’ll move forward with this testimonial.

What if I’m looking for a more impressive type of testimonial, like a video testimonial?

In the case where you’re asking for a higher commitment testimonial, like a video testimonial, the above strategy won’t work.

In these cases, we recommend re-stating your ask for a testimonial, but asking for a lower commitment option from the client, like a text testimonial.

By switching our ask from a higher commitment or higher effort testimonial, to one that requires less time invested by the client, we make it easier for them to fulfill the request. And we can always return to the client later, and make an ask for a higher commitment testimonial.

Want help getting testimonials from your clients (without the awkwardness)?

Meg has done-for-you testimonial services available to make it easier for you to get powerful testimonials. Check them out here.

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