Kai’s Pick: The Strategy of Preeminence by Jay Abraham
The Strategy of Preeminence is a concept that focuses on becoming the most trusted advisor in your market. It boils down to “I’m not trying to sell you – I want to serve you.”
I love The Strategy of Preeminence. This is a concept (and 30-minute video) that I shared at a conference I hosted in Portland, Oregon (HallwayConf, 2019) for SaaS/Internet business owners. The Strategy of Preeminence in this video resonated so well with the owner/founder of a 7-figure education company that it’s become part of their core business strategy.
Set aside 30-minutes to watch this video, it’s a valuable mindset to cultivate in your business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gw14EJkzYs.
My articles this week
- What exactly is roadmapping?
- What roadmapping isn’t
- Why should you sell roadmapping services?
- Why does roadmapping make sense to your clients?