Happy 2023 + The Retirement Bundle

Happy Happy! Welcome to 2023, friend. I’ve got a good feeling about this year.

Today, I’m off to a hot spring for a traditional New Year’s schvitz and to soak away the aches and pains of 2022.

In the meantime, I bring you the good word of…

The Retirement Sale

tl;dr: https://kaidavis.com/retirement-sale/

What’s disappearing from the store?

Or you can snag everything (all nine products and $130 in additional discounts/coupons!) in The Retirement Bundle for $299 and save 50%: https://kaidavis.gumroad.com/l/retirement-bundle.


Something I could better explain about the retirement bundle? Email me at kai@kaidavis.com, and I’ll get you an answer in ~1-2 business days.

